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School History

School History

Scoil Naomh Muire Eas Géitine is located at the western end of the town of Askeaton adjacent to St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Historically, primary education in Askeaton was provided by three national schools, the Infant School, the Girls National School and the Boys National School. The schools were reorganised in 1978 and became the Junior National School which assumed responsibility for boys and girls from Junior Infants to 2nd Class, and the Senior National School which assumed responsibility for boys and girls from 3rd Class to 6th Class.

Scoil Naomh Muire Eas Géitine was formed on September 1st 2022 when Askeaton Senior NS and Askeaton Junior NS amalgamated to create one school providing for the primary education of children in the local Askeaton area.

Many historic attractions adorn the town and parish. The Desmond Castle and Franciscan Friary are the most obvious of these when approaching the town. There is also St. Mary’s Church of Ireland Church and churchyard which is the burial place of the poet Aubrey de Vere. Lismakeera Church and Askeaton Hall House are notable examples of medieval architecture. St. Mary’s Catholic Church is a historic building of more recent times. There is a Stone Fort at Milltown dating from the Iron Age. These ruins and buildings are well respected and attract many visitors. Local history is of considerable interest in the community and is the centre of interest for annual festivals and events.